Hold the line

“It’s not in the way that you hold me
It’s not in the way you say you care
It’s not in the way you’ve been treating my friends
It’s not in the way that you stayed till the end
It’s not in the way you look or the things that you say that you’ll do

Hold the line
Love isn’t always on time.”

If you have the tune of Toto’s yacht-rock hit from 1978, Hold the Line, stuck in your head, then you’re welcome! It’s an iconic tune that reminds us that showing love is not in one act or moment – it’s in everything we do.

It also reminds us that we can’t control the timing of events in our life – and this is why financial planning is so important.

From earning to protecting to investing to enduring, most of us want to know that we’re leaving more than just a fleeting memory behind. Most of us want to know that we’ve found meaning and lived a life of purpose, and are leaving our loved ones with means and opportunity.

Creating this opportunity for them is not easy, which is why we need to hold the line. In most financial plans, there are different ways to provide for your family, one of which includes life cover. Even if we have assets and investments that can provide an income after we are gone, expenses and debt need to be paid back first (remember, we can’t control the timing of life events…). 

Taxes and estate costs also eat into these calculations, which is why life cover is beneficial to boost the financial reserves to take care of the responsibilities for which you currently provide.

Holding the line (holding onto your life cover) benefits the integrity of your entire financial plan, but it’s also harder (and sometimes impossible) to replace this cover when you’re older. New risk calculations, amended products, and penalties will have a more significant impact on your net worth should you cancel your life cover early, hoping to start up later in life ‘when things get easier’.

There are a few ways to alleviate financial strain without forsaking this vital product in your portfolio. These have been shared many times before, but it’s always a good reminder to revisit them:

1. Reduce your monthly expenses

Cut back on items that aren’t essential, such as streaming subscriptions and data contracts. Critically evaluate your budget and examine what is needed and what is simply a nice-to-have. Remember, this is not forever; it’s about prioritizing your financial security.

2. Re-negotiate your debts

Try approaching creditors or your bank to negotiate the terms of any repayments. They may be willing to accept smaller sums over a longer period or help you consolidate loan accounts.

3. Negotiate your premium payment pattern

Request to change to an escalating-premium pattern for your life cover, which means your initial premiums will be lower and increase over time. (this could be product provider dependent)

Holding the line includes ‘the way that you stayed till the end’ – and when it comes to life cover, this cannot be more poignant. If you feel like you need some options to release financial tension or want to initiate life cover again, let’s have a chat and see how we can update your financial life plan.

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