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Slow Down. Appreciate.

If you’re anything like me, you may find that after you’ve had a holiday… you feel like you need a holiday! Our pace of life is currently so fast that even when we’re on holiday, or trying to take things a little slower, we don’t actually get to relax or rest as much as we would like. As a result, we find ourselves making decisions and choosing to speed life up so that we can simply […]

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New Year Spending Tips

If you want to change the way you’re doing something, if you want to improve or adjust or if you simply want to bring about a new direction – changing the way you think about something is the first step! Many of us begin our new-year-financials with a hope to saving more money – and as the year progresses, we find that we haven’t achieved this goal as well as we would have liked. Whilst there […]

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Gobble. Gobble

The festive season is so festive because we do too much, spend too much… and eat too much! We try to fit in as many social events as possible, because we have so many people that we want to see; and we spend so much money because we want people to spoil our family, friends and ourselves! But we also often land up eating lots of foods that are richer and a little more special than […]

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Employee motivation

At the end of the year, there is often a heightened expectation to show appreciation to one’s staff. Whether they help you out around the house or run your company, most of us have people who work for us and feel a desire to show them appreciation! Whilst paying out bonuses is a common way to do this, not all employers can afford to pay out bonuses and may feel stumped as to how to motivate […]

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Teach your children about financial goals

Preparing your children for their financial future is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. For many parents, talking about money can be an uncomfortable subject and discussing finances with your children can feel both personal and scary, but they need to learn if they are to make wise decisions concerning their own finances. It’s best to start teaching these lessons early on in life, if you think about teaching manners or language, it […]

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Tips to make your fuel go further

The price of fuel is expected to go up at the beginning of October after a recent period of fuel price reductions. This can affect people that spend a lot of time commuting quite drastically, but the more time you spend on the road the more opportunity you have to drive economically and try curb the cost of inflation to your financial plan. Mass plays a big role in saving fuel, a small engine in a […]

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Spring clean your finances

Spring cleaning is simultaneously exhilarating and exhausting. The process of clearing out old ‘junk’ is reinvigorating and mind-easing, however it also feels like a drag. And many people feel the same about their finances, but organizing and simplifying your financial situation can help set yourself up for financial success. Here are some tips to help you spring clean your finances: Clean out your wallet Starting with something simple to get the momentum going is usually a […]

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Seriously, don’t throw your money away – Part 2

I have read countless money saving blogs and most of the advice sounds somewhat obvious, but I find that I still need reminding; and every now and then I’ll come across a fresh tip that really makes a difference. We all slip up every now and then, so here’s my reminder to you. Here are five more tips to prevent you from “throwing away” money: Stop paying for something that you can get for free There […]

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Don’t throw your money away – Part 1

It’s relatively easy for your monthly budget to spring some leaks that are easily overlooked. You may not view it as throwing away money, but that isn’t the correct mindset to have if you plan on saving. As the famous Benjamin Franklin saying goes, “A penny saved is a penny earned”. An extra R50 in your bank account is an extra R50 no matter how it got there (or even if it never left!). Here are […]

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